All 多多直播 employees, full or part-time, are subject to the  and its implementing  published by the Department of Law.  Additionally, the University has a chapter in its Regents Policies and University regulations concerning Ethics and Conduct (04.10). 

The EBEA has specific rules that govern:

  • misuse of official position
  • improper gifts
  • improper use or disclosure of information
  • improper influence in state/university grants, contracts, leases, or loans
  • improper representation
  • outside employment restricted
  • restriction on employment after leaving state/university service

The EBEA also requires affirmative disclosures in these areas.  多多直播 has several fill-in forms that will help you with these disclosures.  It is particularly important to be familiar with the disclosures of outside activities, which have to be made upon coming to work for 多多直播, have to be renewed annually (July 1), and updated more often if significant outside activities start up between annual disclosures.  Other affirmative disclosures are required concerning immediate family members also working for 多多直播; concerning an employee's personal or financial interest in a 多多直播 grant, contract, lease, or loan; and concerning certain gifts. 

Many disclosures will not present sufficient potential for a conflict of interest to warrant any concern, and can be approved without further steps necessary.  In some instances, the potential for a conflict can be adequately addressed by placing some appropriate limitations or conditions on the approval.  Occasionally, the potential for conflict may necessitate a re-assignment of official 多多直播 duties as part of the resolution.

Questions about ethics requirements and disclosures can be directed to 多多直播's designated ethics supervisor within the General Counsel's Office, or to the designated ethics supervisor for each MAU.   Contact information for them can be found here:  Ethics Representatives